Product Code: GRBLFKSTR
Condition: New
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 You can confidently fill up anywhere with this GAS IT ' Remote In Locker' Straight fill point system and not have to modify your vehicle!
So, you don't want to have to fit a full body mount remote fillpoint for your gas bottle and make body modifications but you do want to fill anywhere and comply with all UK and EU regulations and advice notices from all the major LPG and HSE organisations when it comes to refilling gas bottles, then this is the kit you need for your approved refillable bottles from GAS IT, Gaslow and others ( NOT FOR SAFEFILL)

Our GAS IT Remote In Locker Straight Bracket Remote filling system comes with all the parts you need to have a locker mounted fill point separate from the Gas bottle, which means you can fill at any LPG forecourt or gas station and comply with all regulations which state you cannot fill a portable gas bottle.

It is a simple to fit item that needs no major tools or modification to your vehicle. It will work on any leisure or commercial vehicle or caravan.

This GAS IT Remote In Locker kit It comes with

1/2 mtr OEM spec fast fill hose ( direct from bottle and fillpoint) - Other hose lenghts available
An Angled OEM Spec Brass Fill point
GAS IT square dust cover to protect fillpoint with fixings
GAS IT Heavy Duty Straight fillpoint mounting bracket galvanized and pre drilled. ( Angled bracket version remote in locker kit available in separate listing)

This GAS IT In locker angled fillbracket kit will only work with the major brands of refillable Gas bottles that are designed for refilling and that are fitted with a separate 80% shut off valve and gas outlet. ( NOT Safefill who only have one valve in the tank and cannot be remotely refilled )

Here is the UKLPG document that is one of the main reasons why portable on bottle fill points are now being refused filling at many UK and EU filling stations. Our GAS IT Remote in locker fill points and remote in body fill points comply with this documents requests and allow filling anywhere under these and the HSE guidelines.

Calor gas information where they clarify that it is illegal and they are prosecuting people who fill up their calor gas bottles.

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